

Deriving Private Information from Randomized Data

15 years 2 months ago
Deriving Private Information from Randomized Data
Randomization has emerged as a useful technique for data disguising in privacy-preserving data mining. Its privacy properties have been studied in a number of papers. Kargupta et al. challenged the randomization schemes, and they pointed out that randomization might not be able to preserve privacy. However, it is still unclear what factors cause such a security breach, how they affect the privacy preserving property of the randomization, and what kinds of data have higher risk of disclosing their private contents even though they are randomized. We believe that the key factor is the correlations among attributes. We propose two data reconstruction methods that are based on data correlations. One method uses the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique, and the other method uses the Bayes Estimate (BE) technique. We have conducted theoretical and experimental analysis on the relationship between data correlations and the amount of private information that can be disclosed based our...
Zhengli Huang, Wenliang Du, Biao Chen
Added 08 Dec 2009
Updated 08 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Zhengli Huang, Wenliang Du, Biao Chen
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