

Descent Theory for Schemes

14 years 10 days ago
Descent Theory for Schemes
In this paper we continue the investigation of some aspects of descent theory for schemes that was begun in [11]. Let SCH be a category of schemes. We show that quasi-compact pure morphisms of schemes are effective descent morphisms with respect to SCH-indexed categories given by (i) quasi-coherent modules of finite type, (ii) flat quasi-coherent modules, (iii) flat quasi-coherent modules of finite type, (iv) locally projective quasicoherent modules of finite type. Moreover, we prove that a quasi-compact morphism of schemes is pure precisely when it is a stable regular epimorphism in SCH. Finally, we present an alternative characterization of pure morphisms of schemes. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14A15, 18A20, 18A32. Key words and phrases: Scheme, pure morphism, descent theory.
Bachuki Mesablishvili
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where ACS
Authors Bachuki Mesablishvili
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