

Description and simulation of dynamic mobility networks

14 years 20 days ago
Description and simulation of dynamic mobility networks
During the last decade, the study of large scale complex networks has attracted a substantial amount of attention and works from several domains: sociology, biology, computer science, epidemiology. Most of such complex networks are inherently dynamic, with new vertices and links appearing while some old ones disappear. Until recently, the dynamic of these networks was less studied and there is a strong need for dynamic network models in order to sustain protocol performance evaluations and fundamental analyzes in all the research domains listed above. We propose in this paper a novel framework for the study of dynamic mobility networks. We address the characterization of dynamics by proposing an in-depth description and analysis of two real-world data sets. We show in particular that links creation and deletion processes are independent of other graph properties and that such networks exhibit a large number of possible configurations, from sparse to dense. From those observations, we ...
Antoine Scherrer, Pierre Borgnat, Eric Fleury, Jea
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CN
Authors Antoine Scherrer, Pierre Borgnat, Eric Fleury, Jean-Loup Guillaume, Céline Robardet
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