

Design alternatives for the evaluation of design science research artifacts

14 years 5 months ago
Design alternatives for the evaluation of design science research artifacts
Within a consideration of cost effectiveness the evaluation of design science research artifacts is of major importance. In the past, a plenitude of approaches has been developed for this purpose – partly artifact-specific, partly artifact-neutral. Nonetheless, there is a lack of a comprehensive overview over existing methods as well as a systemization of those with regard to fundamental structuring criteria. The paper at hand surveys existing methods and introduces a framework that equally supports the designer and the user of artifact evaluation approaches. Subsequent to the embedding of the framework into the design science research process two exemplary application scenarios are described. Keywords design science research, evaluation, artifact, morphological analysis, framework
Anne Cleven, Philipp Gubler, Kai M. Hüner
Added 24 Jul 2010
Updated 24 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Anne Cleven, Philipp Gubler, Kai M. Hüner
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