

Design and control of recycle systems by non-linear analysis

14 years 3 months ago
Design and control of recycle systems by non-linear analysis
Design and control of recycle systems must be integrated at an early design stage. By placing together the pieces of the design puzzle we developed a novel methodology that allows the screening and selection of feasible integrated designs at an early stage. The generic structure is the Reactor-Separator-Recycle (R-S-R) system. Multiple steady states are possible and a minimum reactor volume is required. The behaviour depends on the reactor size and plantwide control structure. Larger reactors behave better than smaller ones. A clear distinction is made between self-regulation and regulation-byfeedback control structures. For some complex reactions, the simple self-regulation feed policy is effective and ensures the desired selectivity pattern. This study integrates the results into a new reliable methodology for design and control of recycle systems.
Anton A. Kiss, Costin S. Bildea, Alexandre C. Dimi
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CCE
Authors Anton A. Kiss, Costin S. Bildea, Alexandre C. Dimian
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