

Design and Implementation of the AMCC Self-Timed Microprocessor in FPGAs

14 years 3 months ago
Design and Implementation of the AMCC Self-Timed Microprocessor in FPGAs
: The development of processors with full custom technology has some disadvantages, such as the time used to design the processors and the cost of the implementation. In this article we used the programmable circuits FPGA such as an option of low cost for the development and implementation of Self-Timed (ST) systems. In addition it describes the architecture and the modules that compose the Asynchronous Microprocessor of Centralized Control (AMCC), and reviews the results of the occupation in the implementation of the FPGA. The operation of this processor only requires of an external pulse to the input of the first asynchronous control block, and with this pulse the sequence of request-recognition of the control unit begins, that it activates the cycle search and it begins the process of execution of the instructions, without the need of having a clock feeding the system. Once concluded the program, the microprocessor stops and include inherently the stoppable clock feature; i.e., circ...
Susana Ortega-Cisneros, Juan Jóse Raygoza-P
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JUCS
Authors Susana Ortega-Cisneros, Juan Jóse Raygoza-Panduro, Alberto de la Mora Gálvez
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