

Design and Results of TANCS-2000 Non-classical (Modal) Systems Comparison

14 years 6 months ago
Design and Results of TANCS-2000 Non-classical (Modal) Systems Comparison
The aim of the TABLEAUX-2000 Non-Classical (Modal) System Comparisons (TANCS-2000) is to provide a set of benchmarks and a standardized methodology for the assessment and comparison of ATP systems in non-classical logics, as it is done for first-order logic with the CADE System Competition. We believe that TANCS can benefit the scientific community in two ways: by promoting the competition among ATP systems and thus yielding novel solutions, and by providing a scientific design for benchmarking non-classical ATP systems. This paper reports the main ideas behind the design, the benchmarks, the organization, and the rating of the ATP systems of TANCS-2000. 1 Design and Organization of the Comparison The first comparison has been held in 1998 [1], a second one has been held in 1999 [11] and this one continues the series with a focus on expressive modal and
Fabio Massacci, Francesco M. Donini
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Fabio Massacci, Francesco M. Donini
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