

Design of a Gigabit ATM Switch

14 years 4 months ago
Design of a Gigabit ATM Switch
This paper describes the design and implementation of a gigabit ATM switching system supporting link rates from 150 Mb/s to 2.4 Gb/s, with a uniquely e cient multicastswitch architecture that enables the construction of systems with essentially constant per port costs for con gurations ranging from 8 to 4096 ports and system capacities approaching 10 Tb/s. The system design supports many-to-one and manyto-many forms of multicast, in addition to the usual one-to-many. It also provides multicast virtual paths, constant time con guration of multicast connections and an e cient packet-level discard method, that can achieve 100% link e ciencies, without large bu ers.
Thomas J. Chaney, J. Andrew Fingerhut, Margaret Fl
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Authors Thomas J. Chaney, J. Andrew Fingerhut, Margaret Flucke, Jonathan S. Turner
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