

Design of human-map system interaction

15 years 29 days ago
Design of human-map system interaction
In this work-in-progress we present some ideas and findings involving map design and human performance. Satellites has once and for all automated geographic positioning and resulted in a plethora of map applications, not only in professional transportation but also in the private sphere, in cars and even for street use in mobile phones. But many people have problems using the traditional bird's-eye view maps. The maze experiment presented here show that an egocentric ("out of the window") view of the map results in faster decision making and fewer errors. Can this also address some of the human-out-of-the-loop problems of navigation automation? Keywords Map design, 3-D nautical charts, maritime human factors ACM Classification Keywords H.5.4.Navigation. General term: Human Factors
Thomas Porathe, Johannes Prison
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CHI
Authors Thomas Porathe, Johannes Prison
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