

A Design Methodology for Self-Management in Distributed Environments

14 years 8 months ago
A Design Methodology for Self-Management in Distributed Environments
—Autonomic computing is a paradigm that aims at reducing administrative overhead by providing autonomic managers to make applications self-managing. In order to better deal with dynamic environments, for improved performance and scalability, we advocate for distribution of management functions among several cooperative managers that coordinate their activities in order to achieve management objectives. We present a methodology for designing the management part of a distributed self-managing application in a distributed manner. We define design steps, that includes partitioning of management functions and orchestration of multiple autonomic managers. We illustrate the proposed design methodology by applying it to design and development of a distributed storage service as a case study. The storage service prototype has been developed using the distributing component management system Niche. Distribution of autonomic managers allows distributing the management overhead and increased ma...
Ahmad Al-Shishtawy, Vladimir Vlassov, Per Brand, S
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CSE
Authors Ahmad Al-Shishtawy, Vladimir Vlassov, Per Brand, Seif Haridi
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