

Design methods as discourse on practice

13 years 10 months ago
Design methods as discourse on practice
In this paper, we present a view of design methods as discourse on practice. We consider how the deployment of a particular set of design methods enables and constrains not only practical action but also discursive action within the design practice. A case study of agile software development methods illustrates the ways that methods establish conditions for who can speak in the design process and how. We indentify three main kinds of discourse work performed in the invoking of design methods. These are the establishing of ontologies, the authorizing of voices, and the legitimizing of practices. We then discuss implications of this view on methods for CSCW research on the relationship between methods and practice as well as implications for participation in the design process. Categories and Subject Descriptors K.4.3 [Computer and Society]: Organizational Impacts
Marisa Leavitt Cohn, Susan Elliott Sim, Paul Douri
Added 11 Feb 2011
Updated 11 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Marisa Leavitt Cohn, Susan Elliott Sim, Paul Dourish
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