

Design requirements for ambient display that supports sustainable lifestyle

13 years 11 months ago
Design requirements for ambient display that supports sustainable lifestyle
People are ready to change themselves to adopt more ecofriendly habits such as conserving electricity when they are aware of the possible problems of their lifestyle. In this sense, ambient display, which users experience occasionally without its interfering with their primary tasks, is well suited to provide the feedback of their personal activities in a more subtle manner than direct information presentation. We present the results of user studies with two ambient displays in different visualization styles. Participants showed diverse usage behaviors of ambient displays according to their motivational level of sustainable lifestyle. In addition, iconic metaphor of eco-visualization can trigger more emotional attachment while indexical representation helps retrospective functions. Finally, we suggest design requirements for ambient displays that support different stages of persuasion from raising awareness to motivating to change behaviors and to maintaining desired habits. Author Ke...
Tanyoung Kim, Hwajung Hong, Brian Magerko
Added 20 Mar 2011
Updated 20 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Tanyoung Kim, Hwajung Hong, Brian Magerko
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