

Design Trade-Offs in High-Throughput Coherence Controllers

14 years 7 months ago
Design Trade-Offs in High-Throughput Coherence Controllers
Recent research shows that the high occupancy of Coherence Controllers (CCs) is a major performance bottleneck in scalable shared-memory multiprocessors. In this paper, we propose to take microarchitectural enhancements used for microprocessors and apply them to improve the throughput of hardwired CCs. These enhancements are CC support for nonblocking execution, early fetches of directory and L3 information, and superpipelining. Nonblocking execution in the CC reduces stalls by processing subsequent coherence transactions in the presence of misses in the directory cache and tag cache. Early fetching in the CC hides misses in the directory and tag caches and, therefore, also removes stalls. Finally, superpipelining in the CC increases its processing bandwidth. These supports all serve to increase the overall throughput of CCs and improve overall system performance. Using both SPLASH-2 and parallelized SPEC95 applications on detailed simulation models, we show that CCs that support nonb...
Anthony-Trung Nguyen, Josep Torrellas
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Anthony-Trung Nguyen, Josep Torrellas
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