

Designing Security Requirements Models Through Planning

14 years 6 months ago
Designing Security Requirements Models Through Planning
The quest for designing secure and trusted software has led to refined Software Engineering methodologies that rely on tools to support the design process. Automated reasoning mechanisms for requirements and software verification are by now a well-accepted part of the design process, and model driven architectures support the automation of the refinement process. We claim that we can further push the envelope towards the automatic exploration and selection among design alternatives and show that this is concretely possible for Secure Tropos, a requirements engineering methodology that addresses security and trust concerns. In Secure Tropos, a design consists of a network of actors (agents, positions or roles) with delegation/permission dependencies among them. Accordingly, the generation of design alternatives can be accomplished by a planner which is given as input a set of actors and goals and generates alternative multiagent plans to fulfill all given goals. We validate our claim wi...
Volha Bryl, Fabio Massacci, John Mylopoulos, Nicol
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Volha Bryl, Fabio Massacci, John Mylopoulos, Nicola Zannone
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