

Designing Software Engineering Option within Computer Science Bachelor of Science Program

14 years 4 months ago
Designing Software Engineering Option within Computer Science Bachelor of Science Program
- This paper describes a Software Engineering Option (SEO) within the current BS in Computer Science program at UMASS Dartmouth. The SE Option reuses significant portion of the existing Computer Science curriculum and provides exposure to software engineering discipline through five new courses and a yearlong senior group software engineering project. This approach is innovative because it builds SE Option on solid foundations of ABET-accredited object-oriented computer science curriculum, it incorporates a capstone year-long senior group software engineering project that involves computer industry as projects’ sponsor and consumer, it builds students’ competence over a period of three years, it provides economical alternative to a full-blown Software Engineering program, it assures ABET-accreditability of the SE Option within BS in Computer Science program, it allows students from the Community College Computer Science Transfer program to join the SE Option.
Jan Bergandy, Paul L. Bergstein, Boleslaw Mikolajc
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where FECS
Authors Jan Bergandy, Paul L. Bergstein, Boleslaw Mikolajczak, Haiping Xu
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