

Designing systems that direct human action

15 years 1 months ago
Designing systems that direct human action
In this paper we present a user-centered design process for Active Capture systems. These systems bring together techniques from human-human direction practice, multimedia signal processing, and human-computer interaction to form computational systems that automatically analyze and direct human action. The interdependence between the design of multimedia signal parsers and the user interaction script presents a unique challenge in the design process. We have developed an iterative user-centered design process for Active Capture systems that incorporates bodystorming, wizard-of-oz user studies, iterative parser design, and traditional user studies, based on our experience designing a portrait camera system that works with the user to record her name and take her picture. Based on our experiences, we lay out a set of recommendations for future tools to support such a design process. Author Keywords Direction, recognition, error, mediation, active capture, error-prone systems, multimedia...
Ana Ramírez Chang, Marc Davis
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CHI
Authors Ana Ramírez Chang, Marc Davis
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