

Detecting anomalies in graphs with numeric labels

13 years 2 months ago
Detecting anomalies in graphs with numeric labels
This paper presents Yagada, an algorithm to search labelled graphs for anomalies using both structural data and numeric attributes. Yagada is explained using several security-related examples and validated with experiments on a physical Access Control database. Quantitative analysis shows that in the upper range of anomaly thresholds, Yagada detects twice as many anomalies as the best-performing numeric discretization algorithm. Qualitative evaluation shows that the detected anomalies are meaningful, representing a combination of structural irregularities and numerical outliers. Keywords graph mining, transaction graphs, anomaly detection
Michael Davis, Weiru Liu, Paul Miller, George Redp
Added 13 Dec 2011
Updated 13 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CIKM
Authors Michael Davis, Weiru Liu, Paul Miller, George Redpath
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