

Detecting Intrusions Specified in a Software Specification Language

14 years 9 months ago
Detecting Intrusions Specified in a Software Specification Language
To protect software against malicious activities, organizations are required to monitor security breaches. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are those kinds of monitoring tools that have gained a considerable amount of popularity. A number of specification-based IDSs have been proposed, where security requirements or attack scenarios are specified using some languages. Currently, attack specification languages are being deployed for describing security requirements. Use of two different languages for software specification and security specification invites a number of unwanted but complicated issues, such as duplication of requirements specification effort as well as the existence of redundant and conflicting requirements. In this paper, we present an intrusion detection technique that uses a formal software ation language called Abstract State Machine Language (AsmL) for the specification of security requirements. We present a framework, and develop the algorithm for the IDS that in...
Mohammad Feroz Raihan, Mohammad Zulkernine
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Mohammad Feroz Raihan, Mohammad Zulkernine
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