

Detecting Keypoints with Stable Position, Orientation, and Scale under Illumination Changes

15 years 3 months ago
Detecting Keypoints with Stable Position, Orientation, and Scale under Illumination Changes
Local feature approaches to vision geometry and object recognition are based on selecting and matching sparse sets of visually salient image points, known as `keypoints' or `points of interest'. Their performance depends critically on the accuracy and reliability with which corresponding keypoints can be found in subsequent images. Among the many existing keypoint selection criteria, the popular F?orstner-Harris approach explicitly targets geometric stability, defining keypoints to be points that have locally maximal self-matching precision under translational least squares template matching. However, many applications require stability in orientation and scale as well as in position. Detecting translational keypoints and verifying orientation/scale behaviour post hoc is suboptimal, and can be misleading when different motion variables interact. We give a more principled formulation, based on extending the F?orstner-Harris approach to general motion models and robust template...
Bill Triggs
Added 15 Oct 2009
Updated 15 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ECCV
Authors Bill Triggs
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