

On the Detection of Melody Notes in Polyphonic Audio

14 years 7 months ago
On the Detection of Melody Notes in Polyphonic Audio
This paper describes a method for melody detection in polyphonic musical signals. Our approach starts by obtaining a set of pitch candidates for each time frame, with recourse to an auditory model. Trajectories of the most salient pitches are then constructed. Next, note candidates are obtained by trajectory segmentation (in terms of frequency and pitch salience variations). Too short, lowsalience and harmonically related notes are then eliminated. Finally, the notes comprising the melody are extracted. This is the main topic of this paper. We select the melody notes by making use of note saliences and melodic smoothness. First, we select the notes with highest pitch salience at each moment. Then, by the melodic smoothness principle, we exploit the fact that tonal melodies are usually smooth. Thus, long music intervals indicate the presence of possibly erroneous notes, which are substituted by notes that smooth out the melodic contour. Finally, false positives in the extracted melody ...
Rui Pedro Paiva
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Rui Pedro Paiva
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