

Developing a Deep Linguistic Databank Supporting a Collection of Treebanks: the CINTIL DeepGramBank

14 years 1 months ago
Developing a Deep Linguistic Databank Supporting a Collection of Treebanks: the CINTIL DeepGramBank
Corpora of sentences annotated with grammatical information have been deployed by extending the basic lexical and morphological data with increasingly complex information, such as phrase constituency, syntactic functions, semantic roles, etc. As these corpora grow in size and the linguistic information to be encoded reaches higher levels of sophistication, the utilization of annotation tools and, above all, supporting computational grammars appear no longer as a matter of convenience but of necessity. In this paper, we report on the design features, the development conditions and the methodological options of a deep linguistic databank, the CINTIL DeepGramBank. In this corpus, sentences are annotated with fully fledged linguistically informed grammatical representations that are produced by a deep linguistic processing grammar, thus consistently integrating morphological, syntactic and semantic information. We also report on how such corpus permits to straightforwardly obtain a whole ...
António Branco, Francisco Costa, Joã
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where LREC
Authors António Branco, Francisco Costa, João Silva, Sara Silveira, Sérgio Castro, Mariana Avelãs, Clara Pinto, João Graça
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