

Developing Domain-Specific Gesture Recognizers for Smart Diagram Environments

14 years 6 months ago
Developing Domain-Specific Gesture Recognizers for Smart Diagram Environments
Computer understanding of visual languages in pen-based environments requires a combination of lexical analysis in which the basic tokens are recognized from hand-drawn gestures and syntax analysis in which the structure is recognized. Typically, lexical analysis relies on statistical methods while syntax analysis utilizes grammars. The two stages are not independent: contextual information provided by syntax analysis is required for lexical disambiguation. Previous research into visual language recognition has focussed on syntax analysis while relatively little research has been devoted to lexical analysis and its integration with syntax analysis. This paper describes GestureLab, a tool designed for building domainspecific gesture recognizers, and its integration with Cider, a grammar engine that uses GestureLab recognizers and parses visual languages. Recognizers created with GestureLab perform probabilistic lexical recognition with disambiguation occurring during parsing based on co...
Adrian C. Bickerstaffe, Aidan Lane, Bernd Meyer, K
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where GREC
Authors Adrian C. Bickerstaffe, Aidan Lane, Bernd Meyer, Kim Marriott
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