

Development Framework for Implementing FPGA-Based Cognitive Network Nodes

14 years 7 months ago
Development Framework for Implementing FPGA-Based Cognitive Network Nodes
—This paper identifies important features a cognitive radio framework should provide, namely a virtual architecture ware abstraction, an adaptive run-time system for managing cognition, and high level design tools for cognitive radio development. We evaluate a range of existing frameworks with respect to these, and propose a novel FPGA-based framework vides all these features. By abstracting away the details of hardware reconfiguration, radio designers can implement FPGAbased cognitive nodes much as they would do for a software implementation. We apply the proposed framework to the design and implementation of a receiver node that works in two modes: discovery, where it uses spectrum sensing to find a radio transmission, and communication, in which it receives and demodulates the said transmission. We show how the whole design process does not require any hardware experience on behalf of the radio designer.
Jorg Lotze, Suhaib A. Fahmy, Juanjo Noguera, Baris
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Jorg Lotze, Suhaib A. Fahmy, Juanjo Noguera, Baris Özgul, Linda Doyle, Robert Esser
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