

Diagnosing Discrete-Event Systems: Extending the "Diagnoser Approach" to Deal with Telecommunication Networks

14 years 2 months ago
Diagnosing Discrete-Event Systems: Extending the "Diagnoser Approach" to Deal with Telecommunication Networks
Abstract. Detection and isolation of failures in large and complex systems such as telecommunication networks are crucial and challenging tasks. The problem considered here is that of diagnosing the largest French packet switching network. The challenge is to be as efficient as the existing expert system while providing greater generality and flexibility with respect to technological and reconfiguration changes in the network. The network is made up of interconnected components each of which can send, receive and transmit messages via its ports. The problem we are faced with is to follow the evolution of the network on the basis of the stream of time-stamped alarms which arrive at the supervision center. We have decided to use model-based techniques which are recognized to be more adapted to evolutive systems than expertise-based approaches are. This paper starts with a description of how we model the global behavior of this discrete-event system by using communicating finite state mac...
Laurence Rozé, Marie-Odile Cordier
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where DEDS
Authors Laurence Rozé, Marie-Odile Cordier
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