

Diagnosis of Multi-Robot Coordination Failures Using Distributed CSP Algorithms

14 years 1 months ago
Diagnosis of Multi-Robot Coordination Failures Using Distributed CSP Algorithms
With increasing deployment of systems involving multiple coordinating agents, there is a growing need for diagnosing coordination failures in such systems. Previous work presented centralized methods for coordination failure diagnosis; however, these are not always applicable, due to the significant computational and communication requirements, and the brittleness of a single point of failure. In this paper we propose a distributed approach to model-based coordination failure diagnosis. We model the coordination between the agents as a constraint graph, and adapt several algorithms from the distributed CSP area, to use as the basis for the diagnosis algorithms. We evaluate the algorithms in extensive experiments with simulated and real Sony Aibo robots and show that in general a trade-off exists between the computational requirements of the algorithms, and their diagnosis results. Surprisingly, in contrast to results in distributed CSPs, the asynchronous backtracking algorithm outperf...
Meir Kalech, Gal A. Kaminka, Amnon Meisels, Yehuda
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AAAI
Authors Meir Kalech, Gal A. Kaminka, Amnon Meisels, Yehuda Elmaliach
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