

Differences + Triple Spaces = Active Triple Spaces

14 years 6 months ago
Differences + Triple Spaces = Active Triple Spaces
As the Semantic Web (SW) is being automatically populated with large number of RDF triples scalability issues related to wide scale reasoning occur. We believe these difficulties are due to the use of global reasoning engines, which carry all the load of collecting and handling all relevant triples, and they can be alleviated by distributing the load of the reasoning amongst the meaningful entities represented by the triples themselves. Therefore, as an application of a knowledge representation model based on Differences and on top of the triple space computing model, we introduce Active Triple Spaces, triple spaces managing triples acting as differences, i.e. processes subscribing to active queries and presenting their result as a new triple. Active triples allow the caching of the result of each new query, as well as its rapid update by subscription mechanisms.
Vlad Tanasescu
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Vlad Tanasescu
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