

Differential Power Analysis in the Presence of Hardware Countermeasures

14 years 7 months ago
Differential Power Analysis in the Presence of Hardware Countermeasures
Abstract. The silicon industry has lately been focusing on side channel attacks, that is attacks that exploit information that leaks from the physical devices. Although different countermeasures to thwart these attacks have been proposed and implemented in general, such protections do not make attacks infeasible, but increase the attacker's experimental (data acquisition) and computational (data processing) workload beyond reasonable limits. This paper examines different ways to attack devices featuring random process interrupts and noisy power consumption. Keywords. Power analysis, smart card, hardware countermeasure, random process interrupt.
Christophe Clavier, Jean-Sébastien Coron, N
Added 24 Aug 2010
Updated 24 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where CHES
Authors Christophe Clavier, Jean-Sébastien Coron, Nora Dabbous
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