

On Diffusing Updates in a Byzantine Environment

14 years 4 months ago
On Diffusing Updates in a Byzantine Environment
We study how to efficiently diffuse updates to a large distributed system of data replicas, some of which may exhibit arbitrary (Byzantine) failures. We assume that strictly fewer than treplicas fail, and that each update is initially received by at least t correct replicas. The goal is to diffuse each update to all correct replicas while ensuring that correct replicas accept no updates generated spuriously by faulty replicas. To achieve reliable diffusion, each correct replica accepts an update only after receiving it from at least t others. We provide the first analysis of epidemic-style protocols for such environments. This analysis is fundamentally different from known analyses for the benign case due to our treatment of fully Byzantine failures--which, among other things, precludes the use of digital signatures for authenticating forwarded updates. We propose two epidemic-style diffusion algorithms and two measures that characterize the efficiency of diffusion algorithms in gener...
Dahlia Malkhi, Yishay Mansour, Michael K. Reiter
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where SRDS
Authors Dahlia Malkhi, Yishay Mansour, Michael K. Reiter
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