

Digital audio watermarking evaluation within the application field of perceptual hashing

14 years 2 months ago
Digital audio watermarking evaluation within the application field of perceptual hashing
Digital watermarking is a growing research area to mark digital content by embedding information into the content itself. Perceptual hashing is used to identify a specific content or to identify integrity violation up to a specific threshold. The evaluation of digital watermarking algorithms provides a fair and automated analysis of specific watermarking schemes for selected application fields. In this paper, we enhance an existing theoretical framework to provide normalized comparable application oriented evaluation results of embedding transparency and we present first practical evaluation results of digital audio watermarking schemes in the application scenario of perceptual hashing. Thereby, the internals of the evaluation profile for the embedding transparency of the digital watermarking schemes are enhanced with a normalized perceptual hash difference grade, used to provide an objectively comparison and to give a recommendation of the usability and applicability of the digital a...
Andreas Lang, Jana Dittmann
Added 28 Dec 2010
Updated 28 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where SAC
Authors Andreas Lang, Jana Dittmann
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