

Digit/Symbol Pruning and Verification for Arabic Handwritten Digit/Symbol Spotting

13 years 1 months ago
Digit/Symbol Pruning and Verification for Arabic Handwritten Digit/Symbol Spotting
—In order to spot the digits in a handwritten document, each component is sent to a classifier. This is a time consuming process because a document usually contains several hundred components. A method is presented to reduce the number of candidate components from a handwritten document sent to the classifier. Furthermore, since the classifier does not contain a rejection class, this led to several misclassifications. To lessen this, a verification post processing module was developed in order to reject some false positives. We reached an overall precision of 80% and 83.3% recall on our test set of handwritten documents.
Nicola Nobile, Chun Lei He, Malik Waqas Sagheer, L
Added 24 Dec 2011
Updated 24 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Nicola Nobile, Chun Lei He, Malik Waqas Sagheer, Louisa Lam, Ching Y. Suen
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