

Digraph description of k-interchange technique for optimization over permutations and adaptive algorithm system

13 years 9 months ago
Digraph description of k-interchange technique for optimization over permutations and adaptive algorithm system
The paper describes a general glance to the use of element exchange techniques for optimization over permutations. A multi-level description of problems is proposed which is a fundamental to understand nature and complexity of optimization problems over permutations (e.g., ordering, scheduling, traveling salesman problem). The description is based on permutation neighborhoods of several kinds (e.g., by improvement of an objective function). Our proposed operational digraph and its kinds can be considered as a way to understand convexity and polynomial solvability for combinatorial optimization problems over permutations. Issues of an analysis of problems and a design of hierarchical heuristics are discussed. The discussion leads to a multi-level adaptive algorithm system which analyzes an individual problem and selects / designs a solving strategy (trajectory).
Mark Sh. Levin
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CORR
Authors Mark Sh. Levin
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