

The Directional Attack on Wireless Localization -or- How to Spoof Your Location with a Tin Can

14 years 8 months ago
The Directional Attack on Wireless Localization -or- How to Spoof Your Location with a Tin Can
—802.11 localization algorithms provide the ability to accurately position and track wireless clients thereby enabling location-based services and applications. However, we show that these localization techniques are vulnerable to non-cryptographic attacks where an adversary uses a low-cost directional antenna to appear from the localization algorithm’s perspective to be in another arbitrary location of their choosing. The attacker’s ability to actively influence where they are positioned is a key distinguishing feature of the directional attack relative to prior localization attacks that use transmit power control to introduce localization errors. We implement a representative set of received signal strength-based localization algorithms and evaluate the attack in a real office building environment. To mitigate the attack’s effectiveness, we develop and evaluate an attack detection scheme that offers a high detection rate with few false positives.
Kevin S. Bauer, Damon McCoy, Eric W. Anderson, Mar
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Kevin S. Bauer, Damon McCoy, Eric W. Anderson, Markus Breitenbach, Gregory Z. Grudic, Dirk Grunwald, Douglas C. Sicker
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