

On the Discovery of Random Trees

14 years 12 days ago
On the Discovery of Random Trees
Abstract. We consider in this paper the problem of discovering, via a traceroute algorithm, the topology of a network, whose graph is spanned by an infinite branching process. A subset of nodes is selected according to some criterion. The minimal sub-tree containing the selected nodes is the set of those nodes discovered by the algorithm. For the selection of nodes, two criteria are considered: A node is randomly selected with a probability, which is either independent of the depth of the node (uniform model) or else in the depth biased model, is exponentially decaying with respect to its depth. The limiting behavior the size of the discovered subtree is investigated for both models. Contents
Fabrice Guillemin, Philippe Robert
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CORR
Authors Fabrice Guillemin, Philippe Robert
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