

Discrete trajectory control algorithms for NIMS3D, an autonomous underconstrained three-dimensional cabled robot

14 years 6 months ago
Discrete trajectory control algorithms for NIMS3D, an autonomous underconstrained three-dimensional cabled robot
— In this paper we present algorithms that enable precise trajectory control of NIMS3D, an underconstrained, three-dimensional cabled robot intended for use in actuated sensing. We begin by offering a brief system overview and then describe methods to determine the range of operation of the robot. Next, a discrete-time model of the system is presented. Thereafter, we present an online algorithm for modeling motor behavior. The majority of the paper is dedicated to describing three feedback control laws used to enable accurate trajectory tracking for both linear and non-linear motion profiles. We present experimental results that highlight the strengths and weaknesses of these mechanisms and conclude by offering a series of future plans for NIMS3D.
Per Henrik Borgstrom, Nils Peter Borgstrom, Michae
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IROS
Authors Per Henrik Borgstrom, Nils Peter Borgstrom, Michael J. Stealey, Brett L. Jordan, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Maxim A. Batalin, William J. Kaiser
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