

Displaying Updated Stock Quotes

14 years 2 months ago
Displaying Updated Stock Quotes
This paper describes how to extract stock quote data and display it with a dynamic update (using free, but delayed data streams). As a part of the architecture of the program, we make use of the observer, mediator and command design patterns. We also make use of the JTable and JTableModel. Finally we show how a multi-threaded update can be performed, using the web as a data source. The methodology for converting the web data source into internal data structures is based on using HTML as input. This type of screen scraping has become a popular means of inputting data into programs. Simple string manipulation techniques are shown to be adequit for these types of well-formed data streams. 1 THE PROBLEM Stock price data is generally available on the web (using a browser to format the HTML data). Given an HTML data source, we would like to find a way to create an underlying data structure that is type-safe and well formulated. We are motivated to study these problems for a variety of reaso...
Douglas Lyon
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JOT
Authors Douglas Lyon
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