

Distance-based node activation for geographic transmissions in fading channels

14 years 1 months ago
Distance-based node activation for geographic transmissions in fading channels
In wireless multi-hop packet radio networks (MPRNs) that employ geographic transmissions, sleep schedules or node activation techniques may be used to power off some nodes to conserve energy. We consider the problem of selecting which nodes should power on to listen to a scheduled transmission when the channel suffers from random fading. We consider the problem of maximizing the expected value of the single-hop transmission distance between a transmitter and the farthest receiver that successfully receives the packet, under a constraint on the expected number of receivers that turn on. Since there is a tradeoff between the distance of a node from the transmitter and the probability that the node receives the message correctly, we propose to use node-activation based on link-distance (NA-BOLD). We investigate optimal and sub-optimal NA-BOLD schemes and compare their performance with that of schemes that use a constant sleep schedule for every node within some radius of the transmitter....
Tathagata D. Goswami, John M. Shea, Murali Rao, Jo
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TCOM
Authors Tathagata D. Goswami, John M. Shea, Murali Rao, Joseph Glover
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