

Distributed algorithms for QoS load balancing

14 years 7 months ago
Distributed algorithms for QoS load balancing
We consider a dynamic load balancing scenario in which users allocate resources in a non-cooperative and selfish fashion. The perceived performance of a resource for a user decreases with the number of users that allocate the resource. In our dynamic, concurrent model, users may reallocate resources in a round-based fashion. As opposed to various settings analyzed in the literature, we assume that users have quality of service (QoS) demands. A user has zero utility when falling short of a certain minimum performance threshold and having positive utility otherwise. Whereas various load-balancing protocols have been proposed for the setting without quality of service requirements, we consider protocols that satisfy an additional locality constraint: The behavior of a user depends merely on the state of the resource it currently allocates. This property is particularly useful in scenarios where the state of other resources is not readily accessible. For instance, if resources represent ...
Heiner Ackermann, Simon Fischer, Martin Hoefer, Ma
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where SPAA
Authors Heiner Ackermann, Simon Fischer, Martin Hoefer, Marcel Schöngens
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