

Distributed-and-Split Data-Control Extension to SCSI for Scalable Storage Area Networks

14 years 5 months ago
Distributed-and-Split Data-Control Extension to SCSI for Scalable Storage Area Networks
A “Storage-Area Network” (SAN) comprises computers (“Initiators”), storage “block devices” (“Targets”), and a Controller(s). Most SANs use the SCSI protocol over various communication infrastructures. Presently, all Initiator - Target traffic must pass through the Controller, severely limiting scalability. We extend the SCSI-3 Transport layer to support distribution, and combine this with SCSI's support for data - control split to create DSDC, a novel architecture that can be used over any networking infrastructure: data may be sent directly between Initiators and Targets, relieving the Controller communication bottleneck; the use of multiple paths for data moreover relieves traffic bottlenecks on network links; finally, passing all commands through the Controller retains simplicity. DSDC thus enables the construction of much larger SANs while retaining the simplicity of a single Controller. A prototype SAN using Ethernet and Linux nodes, with DSDC implemented in ...
Yitzhak Birk, Nafea Bishara
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where HOTI
Authors Yitzhak Birk, Nafea Bishara
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