

Distributed Construction of Connected Dominating Sets with Minimum Routing Cost in Wireless Networks

14 years 2 months ago
Distributed Construction of Connected Dominating Sets with Minimum Routing Cost in Wireless Networks
—In this paper, we will study a special Connected Dominating Set (CDS) problem — between any two nodes in a network, there exists at least one shortest path, all of whose intermediate nodes should be included in a special CDS, named Minimum rOuting Cost CDS (MOC-CDS). Therefore, routing by MOC-CDS can guarantee that each routing path between any pair of nodes is also the shortest path in the network. Thus, energy consumption and delivery delay can be reduced greatly. CDS has been studied extensively in Unit Disk Graph (UDG) or Disk Graph (DG). However, nodes in networks may have different transmission ranges and some communications may be obstructed by obstacles. Therefore, we model network as a bidirectional general graph in this paper. We prove that constructing a minimum MOC-CDS in general graph is NPhard. We also prove that there does not exist a polynomial-time approximation algorithm for constructing a minimum MOCCDS with performance ratio
Ling Ding, Xiaofeng Gao, Weili Wu, Wonjun Lee, Xu
Added 06 Dec 2010
Updated 06 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Ling Ding, Xiaofeng Gao, Weili Wu, Wonjun Lee, Xu Zhu, Ding-Zhu Du
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