

Distributed Online Learning of Central Pattern Generators in Modular Robots

14 years 2 months ago
Distributed Online Learning of Central Pattern Generators in Modular Robots
Abstract. In this paper we study distributed online learning of locomotion gaits for modular robots. The learning is based on a stochastic approximation method, SPSA, which optimizes the parameters of coupled oscillators used to generate periodic actuation patterns. The strategy is implemented in a distributed fashion, based on a globally shared reward signal, but otherwise utilizing local communication only. In a physicsbased simulation of modular Roombots robots we experiment with online learning of gaits and study the effects of: module failures, different robot morphologies, and rough terrains. The experiments demonstrate fast online learning, typically 5-30 min. for convergence to high performing gaits (≈ 30 cm/sec), despite high numbers of open parameters (45-54). We conclude that the proposed approach is efficient, effective and a promising candidate for online learning on many other robotic platforms.
David Johan Christensen, Alexander Spröwitz,
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SAB
Authors David Johan Christensen, Alexander Spröwitz, Auke Jan Ijspeert
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