

Distributed Trustees and Revocability: A Framework for Internet Payment

14 years 7 months ago
Distributed Trustees and Revocability: A Framework for Internet Payment
From von Solms and Naccache's standpoint, constructing a practical and secure e-money system implies a proper regulation of its privacy level. Furthermore, when the system benefits from a widely connected communication network, tuning precisely this control for achieving efficiency without endangering security is a hard task. In order to solve this specific problem, we propose an e-cash scheme based on the usage of provably secure primitives, where trustee quora are in charge of privacy control. Moreover, Trustees remain off-line throughout the ecoin's life to reduce the communication flow and improve the resulting scheme performance.
David M'Raïhi, David Pointcheval
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where FC
Authors David M'Raïhi, David Pointcheval
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