

Distributed Word Clustering for Large Scale Class-Based Language Modeling in Machine Translation

14 years 3 months ago
Distributed Word Clustering for Large Scale Class-Based Language Modeling in Machine Translation
In statistical language modeling, one technique to reduce the problematic effects of data sparsity is to partition the vocabulary into equivalence classes. In this paper we investigate the effects of applying such a technique to higherorder n-gram models trained on large corpora. We introduce a modification of the exchange clustering algorithm with improved efficiency for certain partially class-based models and a distributed version of this algorithm to efficiently obtain automatic word classifications for large vocabularies (>1 million words) using such large training corpora (>30 billion tokens). The resulting clusterings are then used in training partially class-based language models. We show that combining them with wordbased n-gram models in the log-linear model of a state-of-the-art statistical machine translation system leads to improvements in translation quality as indicated by the BLEU score.
Jakob Uszkoreit, Thorsten Brants
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ACL
Authors Jakob Uszkoreit, Thorsten Brants
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