

A Divergent-Style Learning Support Tool for English Learners Using a Thesaurus Diagram

14 years 1 months ago
A Divergent-Style Learning Support Tool for English Learners Using a Thesaurus Diagram
This paper proposes an English learning support tool which provides users with divergent information to find the right words and expressions. In contrast to a number of software tools for English translation and composition, the proposed tool is designed to give users not only the right answer to the user's query but also a lot of words and examples which are relevant to the query. Based on the lexical information provided by the lexical database, WordNet, the proposed tool provides users with a thesaurus diagram, in which synonym sets and relation links are presented in multiple windows to help users to choose adequate words and understand similarities and differences between words. Subjective experiments are carried out to evaluate the system.
Chie Shimodaira, Hiroshi Shimodaira, Susumu Kunifu
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where KES
Authors Chie Shimodaira, Hiroshi Shimodaira, Susumu Kunifuji
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