

DIVINE: DIscovering Variables IN Executables

14 years 6 months ago
DIVINE: DIscovering Variables IN Executables
Abstract. This paper addresses the problem of recovering variable-like entities when analyzing executables in the absence of debugging information. We show that variable-like entities can be recovered by iterating Value-Set Analysis (VSA), a combined numeric-analysis and pointer-analysis algorithm, and Aggregate Structure Identification, an algorithm to identify the structure of aggregates. Our initial experiments show that the technique is successful in correctly identifying 88% of the local variables and 89% of the fields of heap-allocated objects. Previous techniques recovered 83% of the local variables, but 0% of the fields of heap-allocated objects. Moreover, the values computed by VSA using the variables recovered by our algorithm would allow any subsequent analysis to do a better job of interpreting instructions that use indirect addressing to access arrays and heap-allocated data objects: indirect operands can be resolved better at 4% to 39% of the sites of writes and up to ...
Gogul Balakrishnan, Thomas W. Reps
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Gogul Balakrishnan, Thomas W. Reps
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