

DM4VGI: A template with dynamic metadata for documenting and validating the quality of Volunteered Geographic Information

10 years 8 months ago
DM4VGI: A template with dynamic metadata for documenting and validating the quality of Volunteered Geographic Information
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) is a Web phenomenon known as “user-generated content”, which involves resources from Web 2.0 and geographic data. Geobrowsers are websites that collect and provide VGI. These systems, however, do not follow norms or standards for data collection or documentation, which makes it difficult to recover such data and limits the interoperability among VGI systems. In addition, the quality of the data collected by VGI systems has often been questioned. This paper proposes the DM4VGI, a template for creating dynamic metadata from volunteered geographic information provided by users through Geobrowsers or Virtual Globes. The DM4VGI is used to document and validate the quality of the VGI, as well as to facilitate data interoperability.
Wagner Dias de Souza, Jugurta Lisboa Filho, Jarbas
Added 28 Apr 2014
Updated 28 Apr 2014
Type Journal
Year 2013
Authors Wagner Dias de Souza, Jugurta Lisboa Filho, Jarbas Nunes Vidal Filho, Jean H. S. Camara
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