

A document engineering environment for clinical guidelines

14 years 4 months ago
A document engineering environment for clinical guidelines
In this paper, we present a document engineering environment for Clinical Guidelines (G-DEE), which are standardized medical documents developed to improve the quality of medical care. The computerization of Clinical Guidelines has attracted much interest in recent years, as it could support the knowledge-based process through which they are produced. Early work on guideline computerization has been based on document engineering techniques using mark-up languages to produce structured documents. We propose to extend the document-based approach by introducing some degree of automatic content processing, dedicated to the recognition of linguistic markers, signaling recommendations through the use of "deontic operators". Such operators are identified by shallow parsing using Finite-State Transition Networks, and are further used to automatically generate mark-up structuring the documents. We also show that several guidelines manipulation tasks can be formalized as XSLbased tran...
Gersende Georg, Marie-Christine Jaulent
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Gersende Georg, Marie-Christine Jaulent
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