

Dolltalk: a computational toy to enhance children's creativity

15 years 3 months ago
Dolltalk: a computational toy to enhance children's creativity
This paper presents a novel approach and interface for encouraging children to tell and act out original stories. "Dolltalk" is a toy that simulates speech recognition by capturing the gestures and speech of a child. The toy then plays back a child's pretend-play speech in altered voices representing the characters of the child's story. Dolltalk's tangible interface and ability to retell a child's story may enhance a child's creativity in narrative elaboration. Keywords Tangible interface, toy, children, performance, perspectivetaking, narrative elaboration, motion and speech detection
Catherine Vaucelle, Tristan Jehan
Added 01 Dec 2009
Updated 01 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where CHI
Authors Catherine Vaucelle, Tristan Jehan
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