

Dr. Searcher and Mr. Browser: a unified hyperlink-click graph

14 years 4 months ago
Dr. Searcher and Mr. Browser: a unified hyperlink-click graph
We introduce a unified graph representation of the Web, which includes both structural and usage information. We model this graph using a simple union of the Web's hyperlink and click graphs. The hyperlink graph expresses link structure among Web pages, while the click graph is a bipartite graph of queries and documents denoting users' searching behavior extracted from a search engine's query log. Our most important motivation is to model in a unified way the two main activities of users on the Web: searching and browsing, and at the same time to analyze the effects of random walks on this new graph. The intuition behind this task is to measure how the combination of link structure and usage data provide additional information to that contained in these structures independently. Our experimental results show that both hyperlink and click graphs have strengths and weaknesses when it comes to using their stationary distribution scores for ranking Web pages. Furthermore, o...
Barbara Poblete, Carlos Castillo, Aristides Gionis
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CIKM
Authors Barbara Poblete, Carlos Castillo, Aristides Gionis
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