

Driver's Behavior Assessment by On-board/Off-board Video Context Analysis

14 years 25 days ago
Driver's Behavior Assessment by On-board/Off-board Video Context Analysis
In the last few years, the application of ICT technologies in automotive field has taken an increasing role in improving both the safety and the driving comfort. In this context, systems capable of determining the traffic situation and/or driver behavior through the analysis of signals from multiple sensors (e.g. radar, cameras, etc...) are the subject of active research in both industrial and academic sectors. The extraction of contextual information through the analysis of video streams captured by cameras can therefore have implications in many applications focused both on prevention of incidents and on provision of useful information to drivers. In this paper, we investigate the study and implementation of algorithms for the extraction of context data from on-board cameras mounted on vehicles. A camera is oriented so as to frame the portion of road in front of the vehicle while the other one is positioned inside the vehicle and pointed on the driver.
Lorenzo Ciardelli, Andrea Beoldo, Francesco Pasini
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Lorenzo Ciardelli, Andrea Beoldo, Francesco Pasini, Carlo S. Regazzoni
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