

Dryverl: a flexible Erlang/C binding compiler

14 years 9 months ago
Dryverl: a flexible Erlang/C binding compiler
This article introduces Dryverl, an Erlang/C binding code r. Dryverl aims at becoming the most abstract, open and efficient tool for implementing any Erlang/C bindings, as either C port drivers, C port programs, or C nodes. The most original feature of Dryverl is to provide users with open Erlang/C bindings, similar to distributed bindings in open distributed processing systems, to allow specifying programmatically the data transformations that must often be performed in Erlang/C bindings. Implementation details are hidden to developers, and implementation differences bert drivers, port programs, and nodes are abstracted by Dryverl, and Dryverl aims at generating the most efficient implementations possible for every target mechanism. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2 [Software]: Software Engineering General Terms Design, Languages, Performance Keywords Erlang, C, binding, stub, port, driver, compiler, ODP
Romain Lenglet, Shigeru Chiba
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Romain Lenglet, Shigeru Chiba
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